Charity begins at Home
Engaging responsibly in action and service to improve conditions both locally and globally.
It is very important that our students are aware of the disparities existing around us and worldwide.
Our Parent and Student Lighthouse team promote service for the local and international communities. For example, recently the student lighthouse team raised 12 million IDR and the school also donated 84 pairs of new shoes to the victims of the Cianjur Earthquake.
Our Parent and Student Lighthouse teams have organised cleanups around the school.
Every year during Ramadan our school community donates items for the cleaning staff, security, drivers and local staff for Eid.
Social awareness internationally; our Destination Imagination team are working with Destination Imagination in Ukraine for their regional competition this year. They will meet and discuss their lives and their current living situation via zoom. During the pandemic, the collaboration was with Pakistan.
2023 - The Student Lighthouse team organised a school pack and stationery gift for the refugee students at the HELP for refugee school. The teachers supported the volunteer teachers with training and observation opportunities. We also gave them new uniforms from our Royal Primary stock.