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IPC Learning Process

IPC Learning Process

All the units follow the same process as described below:


1/ Entry Point
The Entry Point is an activity or event for children that begins each unit of work and immerses them into the theme of the unit.  The goal of the Entry Point is to get every child excited and engaged in the theme. It also provides a common platform so that every child has an experience to draw from as they progress through the unit.


See entry point examples


2/ Knowledge Harvest

The knowledge harvest takes place takes place in the early stages of each unit and provides an opportunity for children to reveal what they already know and what they want to learn about the themes.  Often, teachers create a mind-map or other visual organization during the Knowledge Harvest and add to this throughout the unit to demonstrate to the children how their learning is progressing. This also helps children to see how what they are learning connects to what they already know. This approach also provides opportunities for the teacher to challenge original knowledge if it is inaccurate.


3/ The Big Picture and Explaining the Theme

The Big Picture provides teachers with factual information that will support them during the unit of work. Explaining the Theme involves the teacher helping the children to see the ‘Big Picture’ of the theme before starting out on the learning tasks; preparing and exciting the children for what’s ahead.  This process allows students to see how subjects are interconnected within the unit.


4/ Subject Research Activities

Each IPC research activity is designed to make sure that children can access information in a way that is appropriate to them. Many of the IPC research activities are experiential, exploratory, collaborative research activities applying group working skills. Others are designed to develop individual enquiry and resilience. All tasks are open-ended to encourage children to ask their own questions related to the theme. Each activity has clearly defined learning targets which are drawn from the IPC Learning Goals.


5/ Subject Recording Activities

During the recording activities, children interpret the learning they have researched.  The recording activities have been written to ensure that children have the chance to process and present their research through the full range of their multiple intelligences.  Each recording activity has clearly defined learning targets which are drawn from the IPC Learning Goals.


6/ Field Trips
During each Unit of Work the teachers organize one or more field trips, so that the students can observe and experience what was learned in the real world.


Go to our field trip page


7/ Exit Point

An Exit Point may be an event that the learning has been building towards, or an exhibition, display, performance or activity that incorporates learning from the unit. This activity helps children to draw on all their learning from the unit, reminding them of all the connections between subjects that they have made, and creating time and opportunity to build their understanding of their learning. It often involves parents and celebrates the learning that has been achieved.


See exit point examples


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