The Big Idea
Every day we are learning lots of new and different things – gaining the knowledge, skills and understanding that we will need to become successful adults. By finding out more about how we learn, and how we can improve our learning, we will be better equipped for meeting the many challenges ahead of us.

What a Wonderful World
The Big Idea
Natural forces have been shaping our planet for many billions of years and these dramatic changes are still going on, right now, all around us.
Throughout this unit we will be learning more about the physical processes that shape our planet – and the vital role that we play in safeguarding our planet and its resources for future generations.

The Great, The Bold and The Brave
The Big Idea
The history of western civilisation begins with the Greeks and the Romans. Their expanding empires helped to spread ideas about architecture, food, entertainment, literature, science, medicine and politics across the globe. As their empires ended, other cultures rose to prominence, absorbing and passing on their own ideas and cultures – creating the world we know today.

Space Explorers
The Big Idea
We know that when we look up at our sky we will see the Sun, the Moon and the stars. We take them for granted. But why are they there? What do they do? How do they affect the Earth? Astronomy, like all sciences, is about asking questions. By becoming space explorers, we can find out more about our solar system and the deeper mysteries of the universe.

Roots, Shoots and Fruits
The Big Idea
Plants have lived on Earth for over 400 million years. Some plants in our gardens today were around at the same time as the dinosaurs. Why have plants been so successful? Let's find out...

Growing Up
The Big Idea
As we grow-up, we need to understand our bodies and the changes that will happen, both on the inside and the outside, as we prepare to enter into adulthood.

Existing, Endangered, Extinct
The Big Idea
From tiny tadpoles to giant squid, living things exist in an amazing variety of forms. Why is there so much variety and how do scientists sort, identify and classify the millions of species living today?

Recap Of Brainwave
The Big Idea
Every day we are learning lots of new and different things – gaining the knowledge, skills and understanding that we will need to become successful adults. By finding out more about how we learn, and how we can improve our learning, we will be better equipped for meeting the many challenges ahead of us.

What Price Progress
The Big Idea
Advances in science and technology are transforming the way that we live our lives. Each and every one of us is affected by change – but have we ever stopped to consider what this change means for ourselves, our communities and the world?

Out Of Africa
The Big Idea
First there was the big bang! Then life began on Earth 3.8 billion years ago. But when did humans arrive and where did we come from? If we can find out the answer to these questions perhaps we can figure out where we are heading in the future…

Being Human
The Big Idea
Your body is designed to help you to breathe, move, eat, respond, reproduce and live. But how do the different parts of your body function and how are humans different from other animals? Let's find out

The Holiday Show
The Big Idea
We will be finding out about our responsibilities as tourists, and the impact that our choice of holiday and travel destination can have on the human and physical environment.

Bake It
The Big Idea
We are going to find out about science by making bread. The processes involved in bread-making can teach us how molecules behave in different materials (solids, liquids and gases) and how these materials can be changed.

Champions for Change
The Big Idea
One day, you should have the right to vote – to decide who will lead your country. What will you do with your vote? Which party or leader would you choose? What issues would get your attention? Politics is about taking an active role and interest in the future, to improve our lives and those of others.

Fascinating Forces
The Big Idea
Forces are pushing and pulling at everything in our Universe. Even as we sit in our classroom, the walls and the ceiling are pushing and pulling at each other, while gravity and friction hold us in our seats. Let's find out more about forces!